Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Mama's Birthday......The Big 5-0
Thanks too for the birthday wishes for Mama.......she's getting pretty old at half a century...........
Friday, February 20, 2009
Award Friday & Abandonment

Here are the rules :
"This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight kitties who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
We would like to pass this on to:
Zoe, Indy & Georgia
Artsy Catsy
Max, the PsychoKitty
Angel & Kirby
Peggy's Place
Adan's Everyday + Lego
Mr. Hendrix
Camp Stanhope Happenings
We could have chosen many more to pass it on to, but we know a lot of kitties have already received this award.
What is it about this month with the birthdays & kitties being abandoned?? We've read on several kitty blogs that their humans had or are having a birthday this month. We've also read about several kitties that are being abandoned this weekend. Well, our mama is having a birthday on Tuesday (she's gonna be very old) & Auntie Lori & a friend are taking Mama away Saturday. They can't just go out & bring Mama back home....noooo, they think they need to take her on an overnight trip. Overnight.......away from us......ALL night!! That means no magic warming blanket, how are we gonna stay warm?!?
Mama says she's gonna leave 2 space heaters on for us & give us extra food, but still!! We want to have a house trashing party, but the house is pretty much trashed all the time anyway. Anybuddy that wants to come trash the trash is more than welcome to teleport over. Mama did buy a new bag of Catnip treats & we have some Party Mix too, so we will have snacks. Mama's leaving around noon on Saturday & who knows when she'll get home on Sunday, so we should be able to do ALOT of trashing in that time! Hope to see you this weekend!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Late Monday

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
Sorry we haven't been around much, Mama has the creeping crud again (yet?). We knew she should have stayed home last Saturday!! Maybe that will teach her to stay out of bars. Actually she never really goes to bars, but Auntie Lori wanted her to go hear a friend's band, so Mama went. It was in Missouri & they don't have an inside smoking ban like Illinois, so when Mama got up Sunday she was sick again. She just can't handle the smoke.
Mama has to leave in a little bit to get her taxes done & who knows what she's gonna do after that! She has another 3 day weekend, so we're gonna make her post some pictures & some awards that we got.....a couple of them a looooong time ago! She is sooo bad.
Anyway, we just wanted to wish efurryone on the CB a Happy Valentine's Day & tell you that we love you all!!!!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Finally Warm Friday
Mama gets a 3 day weekend! The little blurpy that she takes care of is sick so the Mombean stayed home from work today. Poor little blurpy's been sick since Tuesday....Mama felt so bad cause she couldn't do much to help her feel better. Hopefully she'll be all better soon.
Mama may get a 3 day weekend, but she's leaving us tomorrow. She says she has to get her hair cut & help Auntie Lori move some more stuff to her new apartment. Then they are probably going to go "out" tomorrow night to hear some band play. Mama could stay home & watch us play, it would probably be more fun......