This little girl is Auntie Lori's new kitty (shhhhh, she's not supposed to have kitties in her apartment.). The kidbeans & Auntie Lori had seen her out & about for a few days. She was very friendly & one day when Auntie Lori was going up to her apartment the kitty walked in the door, went upstairs & made herself at home. She had no collar & is declawed, but she was very skinny. Mama thinks somebody just dumped her off.
Auntie Lori has been watching the paper to see if anyone lost a kitty, but nothing so far. The kidbeans named her Drama Queen, Drama for short. Auntie Lori & Mama don't think she likes that name....she won't even look at them if they call her that. So they call her Baby Girl, she seems to like that better.
Auntie Lori wants Mama to bring Baby Girl down here to live with us because #1, She doesn't want the landlord to find out she has a kitty & #2, Auntie Lori never had an indoor kitty before & her allergies are getting bad. Mama says she can't because #1, she already has 3 kitties & no jobbie & #2, she knows that Festus & Emma wouldn't be happy at all!! So Baby Girl is staying where she is for right now.......