Friday, February 25, 2011

It's Ba-ack....

Guess winter isn't ready to go just yet. It started snowing about 3:00 yesterday afternoon.....not what Mama wanted for her birthday! But she has to admit that it does look pretty.

She did get a new heater for her
birthday. She watched 2 guys install the new heater, run new gas line, re-vent the water heater & "fix" our kitchen heater. it only took them a little over 11 hours.
And where were we during all that time? We were shut up in the human litterbox room. For. Over. 11. Hours. NOT a good thing for us!! We scratched on the door, stuck our paws under to try to open the door & we meowed as loud as we could. Sure, we had food, water & poo boxes, but really? Over 11 hours in 1 room, that's just cruel. And one of the guys is coming back tomorrow to "fix" the "fixed" heater again. Guess where we're gonna be??

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday

What a difference 2 weeks & a 40-45 degree temperature rise makes!! Our 17" of snow is pretty much history & Mama is furry happy about that! She's even happier cause it's supposed to be in the mid-60's today!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Finally Friday

Sammy & Emma sharing a sun spot. Sammy is watching ice & snow fall off the roof next door. It has been very cold here but we are supposed to start warming up, thank goodness! Maybe even 60 degrees next week!!! We were at -6 last night so 60 sounds positively tropical!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The blizzard is over for us

Thankfully our weather people got a little dramatic with their predictions.
We still ended up with about 17" of snow on the ground...way more than Mama wanted!
These are just a few pics Mama took this afternoon. Now we get to look forward to a low of -10 F tonight, yay us!