The last 12 days have flown by & Mama has to go back to work tomorrow. She has to work 12 days straight before she gets another day off......we are NOT looking forward to that! We did get in
alot of snuggling with her though.
Mama is feeling better, thanks to everyone that asked. She still has an
achey head, but she says it's just mostly annoying. It just doesn't seem to want to go away.
We forgot to tell you that Mama got us a magic warming blanket the day after Christmas!! She says she got it for her, but since we all share the bed, we say it is "ours". Boy do we love it!! It's just too bad we can't have it on all day......we'd probably never leave the bed! As it is, she had to bring Sammy his bedtime treats to him in bed last night. He was all comfy & he wasn't getting up for
nothin`!! We might be a
little spoiled, but not's the least she should do for us, don't ya think??
Well, not sure when we'll be able to get Mama to blog for us
again, but we'll still be reading up on
efurryone to see how things are going. Take care
efuryybuddy & we'll blog as soon as we can!! Love to you all!!