We are also sending you all our love, even Mama!! Please be well & feel better very soon.
This our kitchen ceiling.....isn't it lovely?? Rain is gloomy enough, but this just sucks! Mama's been trying to get "Daddy" to do something about it for months, but since he doesn't live here anymore, he doesn't care. He told Mama that he would come down on weekends to work on things, but he doesn't.
We do have a ray of sunshine in all this rainy weather.....the little sticky-bean that Mama takes care of, became a big brother this morning! She can't wait to get her hands on that baby-girl-bean!! At least we know she can't bring her home. So, Mama has 2 weeks off because the Dad-bean is staying home with the Mom-bean. We have plans to love on Mama, ignore her & bug her......in no particular order. We are gonna let her put pictures of the little beans up next week. The sticky-bean has a birthday on Tuesday, so she will get pictures of them then. Mama has been taking care of him for 2 years & she can't believe that he's 4 yrs old already!
This has mostly been about Mama & we can't let that happen too often. We'll make her post about us next time.