Sunday, November 30, 2008

Lazy Weekend

Can you believe that Mama stayed home all weekend with us?? She was supposed to go to Auntie Lori's today, but she has that sinus crud that seems to be going around. So, she didn't go anywhere.......we can't believe that the holiday weekend is almost over, how sad. We don't know about efurryone else, but it went by way to fast for us

We've just been laying around & chillaxin, of course we do that efurry day, but it was extra nice to chillax on Mama. We miss her since she started working full time, but she does bring home the Temptations!


Motor Home Cats said...

We are glad that you got to have your Mama home an extra day. We hope she is feeling better and giving you lots of treats.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Anonymous said...

haha Momma has to Zyrtec it nearly every 4th day since moving back into the city... lol
We hope your Mommas sinus is getting better though :)


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You Gusy OK? we miss you!