UPDATE: We just returned from the vet a few minutes ago. Joey is very anemic, dehydrated & has some jaundice. The vet said it could be (insert big word here) a blood parasite, which is treatable or something else (didn't say what) that isn't. He gave him an antibiotic shot & fluids, along with a dose of liquid vitamins. He sent home the vitamins & some antibiotic capsules & said hopefully this will work. I waited until he was done before I told him I couldn't pay him today, so he let me charge it. Please pray it's the blood parasite & that the antibiotics knock it out so that Joey can get well. Thank you all.
Joey took a bad turn last night & is barely hanging on. I called the vet this morning & he was going out on an emergency call & would let me know when he was back in the office, but that it would be around noon. I just got a call & he's pushed it to 1:15. Please pray that Joey can hold on & that he can be healed from whatever is making him sick.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
This is Mama taking over the blog. I'm asking for purrs & purrayers for Joey....for the last week & a half, he has been eating very little & losing weight. I've tried stinky goodness, baby food & even changed the crunchies & nothing is working. The only thing I can get him to eat is Temptations & not very many of them. He was doing a little better yesterday but today he has vomited twice. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas
We apawlogize for not blogging & commenting, things around here have been....shall we say strained, for the last few weeks.
But we wanted to wish efurrybuddy a Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays. And we want to thank our furiends that sent us Christmas cards. We also have to apawlogize for not sending out cards, Mama said that time & green papers got away from her.
Hopefully after the holidays Mama will let us write a big, long, boring post about what's been going on. Till then, please don't forget us....
But we wanted to wish efurrybuddy a Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays. And we want to thank our furiends that sent us Christmas cards. We also have to apawlogize for not sending out cards, Mama said that time & green papers got away from her.
Hopefully after the holidays Mama will let us write a big, long, boring post about what's been going on. Till then, please don't forget us....
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Woo Hoo!!
Mama found out that she finally gets to start her new jobbie on Monday!! Of course, she probably could've started about a week & a half ago if she hadn't forgotten to turn in one of her papers....we can't give her too much grief cause the boss lady said there were several that haven't turned in everything. That made Mama feel a little better. She gets to ride the Pre-K bus, which is what she was hoping for, so she's happy!
We probably won't get to post again before Thanksgiving, so we want to wish the whole CB a very Happy Turkey Day!!!
We probably won't get to post again before Thanksgiving, so we want to wish the whole CB a very Happy Turkey Day!!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Thankful Thursday with Joey
Hi everybuddy! The Lady...ummm...Mama said I could post today. If I look a little irritated, it's because I was in the middle of a bath when I got

interrupted by the flashy box. Anyway, I get to tell you what I'm thankful for:
I'm thankful for Mama taking me in & taking care of me.
I'm thankful for a warm, dry home & plenty of foods to eat.
And I'm thankful for the wonderful beans on the Cat Blogosphere that helped make all this possible!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Mama is in trouble!
It's bad enough that she leaves us all the time, but she didn't post on Sammy's birthday, we haven't been able to visit our furiends or get to wish ZH Ann a happy birthday!! What should we do with her? We need her to feed us & scoop our poops, but we are about to trade her in. She swears she's gonna get it together soon, but we're not sure. Maybe we'll giver her one more chance....
Friday, November 13, 2009
Finally Friday
Although for us, Friday means Mama's going to Auntie Lori's for the weekend....she's been doing that ALOT!! That's why we haven't been around much, Mama's too busy hanging out with Auntie Lori & their friends. What about OUR furiends?? We want to visit & hang out too. Mama says hopefully her jobbie will start soon ( she hasn't heard when she gets to start yet), then she'll be staying home on the weekends & will help us blog more. Yeah right, she better if she knows what's good for her!
Joey is doing really good, some of us are still not to happy about him joining us, but things have calmed down quite a bit. There's still a little hissing & growling from time to time, but we had that between Emma & Festus anyway. Now she just has one more kitty to fuss at & she does fuss at him! Fes is really jealous because he was Mama's baby & he isn't very happy about having to share her with Joey. But, all in all, we get along pretty good.
Mama wants to thank everyone again for the advice & donations, she will be sending out Thank You cards soon. Her friends laugh about our cat blog, she tells em to go ahead & laugh, but cat bloggers are the best people in the world!!
Joey is doing really good, some of us are still not to happy about him joining us, but things have calmed down quite a bit. There's still a little hissing & growling from time to time, but we had that between Emma & Festus anyway. Now she just has one more kitty to fuss at & she does fuss at him! Fes is really jealous because he was Mama's baby & he isn't very happy about having to share her with Joey. But, all in all, we get along pretty good.
Mama wants to thank everyone again for the advice & donations, she will be sending out Thank You cards soon. Her friends laugh about our cat blog, she tells em to go ahead & laugh, but cat bloggers are the best people in the world!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Joey is healthy!!
Joey went to the v-e-t this morning & other than finding 1 flea & having a flea allergy, he was found to be surprisingly healthy! No ear mites, his teeth were wonderful & thanks to good feeding he weighed almost 11 pounds!! He got treated with Advantage, got wormed & got a shot to help with the skin irritation from the flea allergy.
I don't have the words to thank you for the donations for Joey's v-e-t care. I would never have been able to take him in without them. Thank you all so very much....we love you!!
I don't have the words to thank you for the donations for Joey's v-e-t care. I would never have been able to take him in without them. Thank you all so very much....we love you!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Thankful Thursday
We are very thankful for our furiends, who gave us advice & generously donated green papers for Mama to get Joey checked out! We are so very touched & Mama has had leaky eyes just thinking how sweet you've been to us. She called the v-e-t office today & found out it will cost $24 for the combo test for FIV & Feline Leuk. Hansel's mom suggested that we get that test. Mama's gonna try to get Joey in to the v-e-t early next week.
We are also thankful that Mama finally got an appt. to get her fingerprinting done! She's going to get her TB test tomorrow & fingerprinted on Saturday morning. Hopefully that means she will get to start working soon. By the way, she got the jobbie she interviewed for on Monday! So she may be bouncing from Bus Rider to childcare...she doesn't care as long as she's working. It's all for the school district so it's all good.
We are also thankful that Mama finally got an appt. to get her fingerprinting done! She's going to get her TB test tomorrow & fingerprinted on Saturday morning. Hopefully that means she will get to start working soon. By the way, she got the jobbie she interviewed for on Monday! So she may be bouncing from Bus Rider to childcare...she doesn't care as long as she's working. It's all for the school district so it's all good.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
No Microchip....
UPDATE: Thank you all so much for your offers to help!! I do have PayPal, but I have no clue how to set up a donation button. If someone can help me with that I would appreciate it. Ewww, I never even thought about worms (shiver!)!! I will get some dewormer, but I'll have to wait until Friday. Thanks again everyone, I love you guys sooo much!!
Joey (still working on his name) went to the v-e-t today to be scanned. Nothing there. The v-e-t himself wasn't there, but the office lady said it would cost around $50 to get him all checked out. It's pay-as-you-go, so Mama isn't sure when she can get that done, so for now, Joey stays in the human litter box room. She's gonna make up some fliers today to put up in town to try to find his family.
Joey (still working on his name) went to the v-e-t today to be scanned. Nothing there. The v-e-t himself wasn't there, but the office lady said it would cost around $50 to get him all checked out. It's pay-as-you-go, so Mama isn't sure when she can get that done, so for now, Joey stays in the human litter box room. She's gonna make up some fliers today to put up in town to try to find his family.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Smokey Joe Speaks.......

Hi everbuddy, I'm the new kitty on the block! The Lady here calls me Smokey Joe, but I told her she has to rethink that name...I don't like it.
I really like The Lady, though, she has been good to me. She feeds me, gives me scritches & loves....I'd sit on her all day if I could. There are 3 other kitties here that I got to meet briefly. We sniff each other through the crack in the door. Sometimes there's hissing & sometimes there's not. I'd really like to get out of the human litter box room so we could get to know each other, but The Lady says I have to go to the v-e-t first to make sure I'm healthy.
The Lady has another jobbie interview in the morning, she's hoping to get some work since it's taking forever for her to start the bus rider jobbie. The new jobbie is as a sub for childcare in the Teen Parents Services. With all this flu going around, they really need subs!!
When she gets home from that, she is going to call a v-e-t to see if he can scan me for a microchip. The Lady says she's gonna try to find my family. If she can't, she said I could live here furever!! She said she needs another cat like she needs a hole in the head(whatever that means), but she has fallen in love with me. Well duhr!! Who wouldn't?? She's gonna put fliers up at the bank, restaurant & Post Office to see if she can find my family. We live in a tiny town(pop. 250), so those are about the only places in town to post fliers. The Lady said that if I'm lost, that my family must be frantic cause I'm such a sweet little love bug.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Update on Stray Kitty
Mama Rhonda here, first I want to thank you for your advice & caring words. I just can't tell you how much they mean to me. Second, Stray Kitty a/k/a Smokey Joe is in the house. We actually had a nice day here, so I sat outside with him while he ate. I took the flea comb out so I could make sure he didn't have fleas. I combed him while he ate & he just purred so loud! Good news, no fleas!! He let me pick him up & love all over him & even comb his belly. That's when I noticed he was a he...hence Smokey Joe.
I have him shut in the bathroom right now...he's not too thrilled with that & neither are the other cats. I held open the door after he ate & he just walked right in. I knew Sammy would be nice, he never growls or hisses. Fes wasn't as bad as I figured he would be, but there was a bit of hissing & growling from him. Smokey Joe was actually worse than Festus! The biggest surprise though was Emma, she is the worst about all that. She still hisses & growls at Fes if he gets too close to her. She never made a sound, they just sniffed each other & that was it! I was more worried about stressing her & she just takes it all in stride.
I have to call a new vet Monday as our vet passed away last week. I'm going to see if he will scan Smokey Joe for a microchip & examine him if I can make payments. I would appreciate all the help I could get as I'm not sure when I will start my job & I'll get paid once a month when I do. Thank you all so much, I just couldn't stand the thought of him being outside with no way to defend himself.
I have him shut in the bathroom right now...he's not too thrilled with that & neither are the other cats. I held open the door after he ate & he just walked right in. I knew Sammy would be nice, he never growls or hisses. Fes wasn't as bad as I figured he would be, but there was a bit of hissing & growling from him. Smokey Joe was actually worse than Festus! The biggest surprise though was Emma, she is the worst about all that. She still hisses & growls at Fes if he gets too close to her. She never made a sound, they just sniffed each other & that was it! I was more worried about stressing her & she just takes it all in stride.
I have to call a new vet Monday as our vet passed away last week. I'm going to see if he will scan Smokey Joe for a microchip & examine him if I can make payments. I would appreciate all the help I could get as I'm not sure when I will start my job & I'll get paid once a month when I do. Thank you all so much, I just couldn't stand the thought of him being outside with no way to defend himself.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Mama is conflicted........
When Mama went food shopping, she bought a bag of "cheap" cat food for the stray kitty. When she was feeding him/her today, Mama checked the front paws & Stray Kitty is declawed. We knew he/she belonged to someone because of how friendly he/she is, but we don't know if he/she is lost or has been abandoned. Mama just knows that declawed kitties should be inside kitties. That's where the conflict comes in, Mama hates to leave the kitty outside, but she doesn't want to stress us out by letting him/ her in. That & we have no green papers to take the kitty to the v-e-t to be checked out. Mama is just sick to her stomach worrying about the kitty. She knows if we were lost, she would want someone to take us in & take care of us. Does anybuddy out there have any suggestions??
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Lazy Mama
It's been 2 weeks since we got Mama to help us blog & there is no good reason for it. She still hasn't started her jobbie yet. She doesn't know yet what age-group she'll be with, but she's hoping for Pre-School or Special Needs kidbeans. She has a Student Management class on Saturday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, hopefully she'll learn something.
It's also our county's Fall Color Drive this weekend so Mama will be gone the whole weekend. But then again, she's gone most weekends, leaving us all alone...
Anyway, we finally get her to help us blog, but does she take pictures of us to post?? NO! She saw a stray kitty out her car this afternoon & went to take pictures of it. When she stepped out the door, the kitty started walking up to the house. The kitty even stood up on Mama's leg & tried to come in our house! She is a very skinny kitty so Mama fed her some leftover roast beast......we don't even get roast beast!! Here's a pic of her standing up to get Mama.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Good News!!
Mama found out a little while ago that she got the jobbie that she interviewed for on Wednesday!! She is very excited & very nervous, but can't wait to start. It will be at least 2 weeks, she has to get fingerprinted & get a TB test, but they are backed up a bit.
She will be a Bus Rider for a school district, not in our community unfortunately. She will have to drive 25 miles to her new jobbie, which doesn't thrill her, but she has to work. She will be helping the bus driver keep all the kidbeans under control & safe on the bus. It shouldn't be boring & Mama is glad that she will still be working with kidbeans, it's what she loves to do.
We want to thank efurrybuddy for the crossed paws & purrs, we know they helped get Mama this jobbie!!
She will be a Bus Rider for a school district, not in our community unfortunately. She will have to drive 25 miles to her new jobbie, which doesn't thrill her, but she has to work. She will be helping the bus driver keep all the kidbeans under control & safe on the bus. It shouldn't be boring & Mama is glad that she will still be working with kidbeans, it's what she loves to do.
We want to thank efurrybuddy for the crossed paws & purrs, we know they helped get Mama this jobbie!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Crossed paws & purrs needed
Mama has a jobbie interview next week!!! Her first since she lost her other jobbie last May. Of course we wish she could just stay home with us, but we know she really needs to start making those green papers again. So, if efurrybuddy could cross your paws, purr or whatever that Mama gets this jobbie, we would really appreciate it!
We also want to wish Sweet Praline a furry Happy Birthday!! And thanks for letting Emma join in your slumber party!
We also want to wish Sweet Praline a furry Happy Birthday!! And thanks for letting Emma join in your slumber party!
Jobbie interview,
Sweet Praline's birthday
Monday, September 14, 2009
Mama has a sad....
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Boring days......
Not much going on around here. Mama's been barking like a seal, moaning about allergies & just generally messing up our nap times. We even had to get out of our bed the other night!! No way could we sleep with her hacking & coughing....you'd think she would at least try to be quiet.
We do have some pictures to post though.

This was a nasty spider that Mama almost ran into the other day. She had to get the broom & knock it down before she could go food shopping. She wouldn't let us have it, wonder why?
This is the blurp that Mama used to take care of. Today is her 1st birthday. She hadn't seen Mama in a few weeks & when Mama went to talk to her, this is what she did. Mama was a little sad because when Mama took care of her, the blurp used to want her instead of her own Mama or Daddy. Now the little blurp doesn't know Mama anymore. She sure misses those little beans.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
5th Gotcha Day for Festus
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Speaking of Drama.........

This little girl is Auntie Lori's new kitty (shhhhh, she's not supposed to have kitties in her apartment.). The kidbeans & Auntie Lori had seen her out & about for a few days. She was very friendly & one day when Auntie Lori was going up to her apartment the kitty walked in the door, went upstairs & made herself at home. She had no collar & is declawed, but she was very skinny. Mama thinks somebody just dumped her off.
Auntie Lori has been watching the paper to see if anyone lost a kitty, but nothing so far. The kidbeans named her Drama Queen, Drama for short. Auntie Lori & Mama don't think she likes that name....she won't even look at them if they call her that. So they call her Baby Girl, she seems to like that better.
Auntie Lori wants Mama to bring Baby Girl down here to live with us because #1, She doesn't want the landlord to find out she has a kitty & #2, Auntie Lori never had an indoor kitty before & her allergies are getting bad. Mama says she can't because #1, she already has 3 kitties & no jobbie & #2, she knows that Festus & Emma wouldn't be happy at all!! So Baby Girl is staying where she is for right now.......
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Drama, drama, drama
Mama is such a Drama Queen!! She's had crap going on again & we've been trying to get her to blog for us to take her mind off it. But all we hear is "I don't have time.", "I don't feel like it.", "I'm not in the mood." & the one we hear the most..."I don't have anything to blog about that anyone wants to read."! Duhr, Mama!! You have three kitties.....what else do you need?
So, we've been basically eating, sleeping, playing & fighting everyday. It's been raining here about all week & we're really tired of that. We are not too fond of the crash & boom storms. But today it was finally dry, no crashes, no boomies, just a nice quiet day.
Mama didn't take any new pictures of us with the flashy box (How Rude!!), but she did get a couple of a rainbow we had the other evening. She used the Sunset mode on the flashy box, but she's not very good at taking pictures anyway.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
RIP Charlie Taylor Sherwood
Monday, August 10, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Our 1st Blogoversary, YAY!!

Mama had been reading us kitty blogs for a couple years or so, but never thought she could start one for us. Then last year Festus got so sick with a flea infestation, he almost went to the Rainbow Bridge. Mama had seen over time how the CB pulled together when a kitty was sick, so she e-mailed KC & ML to see if they could get some healing purrs going for Festus. They did & we got lots of loving comments from the CB & Mama saved them all!
If that wasn't enough, ML offered to do a fundraiser for the v-e-t bill. Mama was so touched (& shocked) that someone would do that for somebody they didn't know! There were a lot of days Mama had leaky eyes when she thought about it. She still does!
Then KC, ML & Auntie Deb offered to help us set up a bloggy of our own & here we are one year later! We can't thank them enough!! We also have to thank Ann from Zoolatry for our old header, our new header & our blogoversary graphic! And we want to thank all of our furiends for just hanging with us....we love you guys more than you know!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Thankful Thursday
We are thankful that Mama is feeling better, she still has some pain but it's getting to be less every day.
We are thankful for all of our furiends that have been purring for us, we really love you all!
We are thankful to have a home & a mama that loves us more than anything. We know there are lots of furbabies out there that aren't so lucky.
Last, but not least, we are thankful that tomorrow is our 1st Blogoversary!!
We are thankful for all of our furiends that have been purring for us, we really love you all!
We are thankful to have a home & a mama that loves us more than anything. We know there are lots of furbabies out there that aren't so lucky.
Last, but not least, we are thankful that tomorrow is our 1st Blogoversary!!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Lazy Sunday
Sorry we haven't been around much, we've been taking easy with Mama. Nothing much going on. Mama did go to a county fair Friday night & saw the Ferris wheel that used to belong to Michael Jackson, it used to be at his Neverland Ranch! She also found out it was made here in Illinois in a town not too awful far from here. That was kind of cool, but we didn't get to see it, we had to stay home by ourselves.......we never get to have any fun..............
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Taking care of Mama
We've been doing a pretty good job with her. She thought Friday night that she could shut us out of our bedroom, but it didn't work too well. She got in bed at 10:58 & by 12:22 we were all in bed together like it should be. Mama just couldn't take all the meowing & scratching at the door.
Teri and the cats of Furrydance told us to tell Mama that a cat bed makes a good tummy pillow, to keep her tummy safe from us. Well.........Mama borrowed a pillow from the hospital that she carries around with her. We've actually done pretty good about not getting on her tummy too much........well except when Festus launched himself off of her on the couch. She hollered a little, but she was OK.
She's gonna leave us for a little while tomorrow to get her staples removed, but she promised she'd be back home in the afternoon. Mama still can't drive yet, so Auntie Lori will come down & get her.
We're still trying to get caught up with efurrybuddy, but Mama can't sit in the `puter chair furry long at a time. Thanks again for all the purrs & purrayers!
Teri and the cats of Furrydance told us to tell Mama that a cat bed makes a good tummy pillow, to keep her tummy safe from us. Well.........Mama borrowed a pillow from the hospital that she carries around with her. We've actually done pretty good about not getting on her tummy too much........well except when Festus launched himself off of her on the couch. She hollered a little, but she was OK.
She's gonna leave us for a little while tomorrow to get her staples removed, but she promised she'd be back home in the afternoon. Mama still can't drive yet, so Auntie Lori will come down & get her.
We're still trying to get caught up with efurrybuddy, but Mama can't sit in the `puter chair furry long at a time. Thanks again for all the purrs & purrayers!
Friday, July 17, 2009
She's home, she's home, she's home, she's home!!!!!!! Mama finally came home, YAY!! We are sooo happy to see her & have been giving her lots of loves!
Mama said the surgery that was supposed to be 1 hour long took longer than 2 hours. The 3 small incisions turned into a teeny one in her navel & a 7" incision from her navel to her......well......her.......you know. She was in recovery for over 2 hours because her oxygen level kept dropping to about 80%. And the overnight hospital stay turned into a 4 day stay. Her bean v-e-t said that on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the worst, her surgery was a 9. He said she had tons of scar tissue & her uterus was covered with tumors. When he first saw inside, he thought she was full of cancer, but thankfully the tumors were all benign. It's been a really tough week & Mama is still in quite a bit of pain, but we want to thank you all for your thoughts & prayers. We hope to get caught back up with you all soon.
Mama said the surgery that was supposed to be 1 hour long took longer than 2 hours. The 3 small incisions turned into a teeny one in her navel & a 7" incision from her navel to her......well......her.......you know. She was in recovery for over 2 hours because her oxygen level kept dropping to about 80%. And the overnight hospital stay turned into a 4 day stay. Her bean v-e-t said that on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the worst, her surgery was a 9. He said she had tons of scar tissue & her uterus was covered with tumors. When he first saw inside, he thought she was full of cancer, but thankfully the tumors were all benign. It's been a really tough week & Mama is still in quite a bit of pain, but we want to thank you all for your thoughts & prayers. We hope to get caught back up with you all soon.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
L & L Thursday (for Mama)
It's liquids & laxatives for Mama today to get ready for her surgery tomorrow......we know,TMI for efurrybuddy! She says that she's hungry enough that our crunchies are starting to look good to her!! We might have to hide them from her........
Mama's family is getting aggravated with her for worrying about leaving us alone for a few days. After all, we're only cats...just leave extra food & water for us, we'll be fine. Of course Mama doesn't see it that way. She asked a friend of hers to come by & check on us while she's gone. Most beans don't seem to understand that we aren't only cats to Mama, we are as important to her as their kidbeans are to them. Granted, we are better able to take care of ourselves alone than kidbeans can, but still! Mama is so glad to have the CB & beans that understand how she feels about us.
Sorry, we just had to rant about the family being buttheads! We'll be back in a few days. Thanks for all the purrs for Mama....we love you guys!!
Mama's family is getting aggravated with her for worrying about leaving us alone for a few days. After all, we're only cats...just leave extra food & water for us, we'll be fine. Of course Mama doesn't see it that way. She asked a friend of hers to come by & check on us while she's gone. Most beans don't seem to understand that we aren't only cats to Mama, we are as important to her as their kidbeans are to them. Granted, we are better able to take care of ourselves alone than kidbeans can, but still! Mama is so glad to have the CB & beans that understand how she feels about us.
Sorry, we just had to rant about the family being buttheads! We'll be back in a few days. Thanks for all the purrs for Mama....we love you guys!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Silly Mama

Mama has to go to the hospital on Friday for her hysterectomy. She decided to just get everything removed so she wouldn't have to worry about having another surgery later. We know she's gonna be in the hospital at least overnight, but we aren't sure when she'll be home. Auntie Lori & Auntie Pam have decided that Mama should stay with Auntie Pam for a few days. Mama wants to just come home, but she's out-numbered by her sisters! She told us she would be back home on Monday, but since one of the aunties will have to drive her home, we're not sure that will happen.
So please keep Mama in your purrayers & don't forget about us......we'll be back as soon as we can.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Update on Josh
It looks like all the purrs, grrrs, tailwags, purrayers & prayers worked!! We still have to wait for the final pathology report, but it appears that the cancer was contained in the kidney & Josh is now cancer-free! It will be about a week before we know for sure, but the bean v-e-t was very confident that Josh is cured.
We don't know how to thank all of our furrends for all their thoughts & well-wishes.......you all mean so much to us & we can't find the words to let you know how much we love you. Mama's eyes are leaking & she can't see to type very well so we just want to say God bless you all.
We don't know how to thank all of our furrends for all their thoughts & well-wishes.......you all mean so much to us & we can't find the words to let you know how much we love you. Mama's eyes are leaking & she can't see to type very well so we just want to say God bless you all.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Baby Emma & more purrs for Josh, please

Mama found these pics of Emma the other day. This was about 6 weeks after her gotcha day, so Emma was around 14 weeks old. She loved her little teddy bear & her big brother Sammy. Mama says please ignore the dirty litterbox.
Tomorrow is Josh's surgery to remove his kidney. Please purr for him & keep him in your purrayers.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Festus is Five!!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
More Boxes
Friday, June 19, 2009
International Box Day & our 100th Post
Today is International Box Day! Mama went through our pictures & found some to post for today:

Festus hanging out in a water box.
This is also our 100th post! If Mama weren't so lazy, we would be way past 100, but sometimes mamas are hard to train.........
Sorry this is so screwed up. Mama tried a bunch of times to fix it, using just about all the words on the bad word list, but it didn't work.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Bad News............Good News
Josh heard back from his biopsy today, it is definitely cancer. He is scheduled for surgery on July 2nd. Mama doesn't have any other details yet. We're still asking for purrs & prayers.
We do have some good news to report though! Mama finally heard back from her CT scan & there is nothing on her pancreas! It must have been a shadow or something on the other one. Mama's surgery is scheduled for July 10th & she's still debating on whether to go ahead & have the full hysterectomy or just let her v-e-t take her ovaries & tubes. She's gonna call him & ask him some questions, then make up her mind.
We do have some good news to report though! Mama finally heard back from her CT scan & there is nothing on her pancreas! It must have been a shadow or something on the other one. Mama's surgery is scheduled for July 10th & she's still debating on whether to go ahead & have the full hysterectomy or just let her v-e-t take her ovaries & tubes. She's gonna call him & ask him some questions, then make up her mind.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
We got a present!!
Of course Mama didn't use the flashy box so we could show you, but we forgive her. Mama went to our Auntie Pam's house on Sunday for a cook-out. They went to a pet store & Mama found us a nip bananer!!! She said she really didn't have the money to buy it, but she did anyway! She did tell us that we had to share cause she didn't have the money to buy each of us one. We love it!! We've had lots of fun with it even if we do have to share!
Update on Josh & Mama:
The bean v-e-t that Josh saw yesterday said the bone scan & chest x-ray were normal & that there is a possibility that the cancer is contained in the kidney. That is some welcome news! The v-e-t was going to present Josh's case to his colleagues today & let him know when the surgery will be. They are discussing the merits of partial kidney removal or if they should take the whole kidney.
Mama went to a gyno v-e-t Monday & found out that along with the polyp in her uterus, she has a tumor on her cervix. Of course Mama was a little freaked out, but the v-e-t said he didn't think either one was anything to worry about. He told Mama that he didn't think her pain was related to either one of those things because it has mostly gone away. He wants to do the least invasive surgery, so he talked her into having her ovaries & tubes removed. He's also going to remove the polyp & the tumor. It's going to be out-patient surgery & a lot less down-time for Mama. But, he promised her that if it looks bad, he will go ahead & do a hysterectomy.
Mama had her CT scan yesterday for the thingie on her pancreas. She was so nervous & sick to her stomach because she knew she would have to have another IV. The lady that did the scan used a "baby" IV on Mama, got it in first thing & it didn't even hurt!! Boy was Mama relieved! She doesn't know when she'll hear about that.
We want to thank all of you for purring, purraying, praying, etc for Mama & Josh. It means the world to us. We want to thank each of you individually, but we're still having problems getting on some of your bloggies. We love all of you in the CB!!
Update on Josh & Mama:
The bean v-e-t that Josh saw yesterday said the bone scan & chest x-ray were normal & that there is a possibility that the cancer is contained in the kidney. That is some welcome news! The v-e-t was going to present Josh's case to his colleagues today & let him know when the surgery will be. They are discussing the merits of partial kidney removal or if they should take the whole kidney.
Mama went to a gyno v-e-t Monday & found out that along with the polyp in her uterus, she has a tumor on her cervix. Of course Mama was a little freaked out, but the v-e-t said he didn't think either one was anything to worry about. He told Mama that he didn't think her pain was related to either one of those things because it has mostly gone away. He wants to do the least invasive surgery, so he talked her into having her ovaries & tubes removed. He's also going to remove the polyp & the tumor. It's going to be out-patient surgery & a lot less down-time for Mama. But, he promised her that if it looks bad, he will go ahead & do a hysterectomy.
Mama had her CT scan yesterday for the thingie on her pancreas. She was so nervous & sick to her stomach because she knew she would have to have another IV. The lady that did the scan used a "baby" IV on Mama, got it in first thing & it didn't even hurt!! Boy was Mama relieved! She doesn't know when she'll hear about that.
We want to thank all of you for purring, purraying, praying, etc for Mama & Josh. It means the world to us. We want to thank each of you individually, but we're still having problems getting on some of your bloggies. We love all of you in the CB!!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Well, we got bad news & maybe more bad news. Josh does have cancer, he's having a chest x-ray & bone scan today to see if it's spread. He goes Tuesday to Springfield (IL) to schedule his surgery.
Mama finally heard back from her ultrasound, she has a "moderately large polyp" in her uterus. She goes Monday to a gynecologist v-e-t to see what to do about that. She wants him to just give her a hysterectomy & get it over with. And since the fun just keeps on coming.....she got a call from her primary care v-e-t this morning asking if the ER v-e-t told her that she needed a follow-up CT scan after the one she had on May 4th. Uh...no, he said it was clear. Well, apparently it showed that Mama has a "nodule" on the tail (?) of her pancreas. Wasn't it nice of them to let her know a month later?!? So, now Mama has to go back to the hospital on Tuesday for another CT scan. Because as her v-e-t said "We don't want to wait until it's large & find out that it's pancreatic cancer."
We know that yet again, this isn't about us cats, but if you could spare some more purrs, purrayers, tail-wags........whatever, we could sure use them. Thanks efurrybuddy, we love you guys!
Mama finally heard back from her ultrasound, she has a "moderately large polyp" in her uterus. She goes Monday to a gynecologist v-e-t to see what to do about that. She wants him to just give her a hysterectomy & get it over with. And since the fun just keeps on coming.....she got a call from her primary care v-e-t this morning asking if the ER v-e-t told her that she needed a follow-up CT scan after the one she had on May 4th. Uh...no, he said it was clear. Well, apparently it showed that Mama has a "nodule" on the tail (?) of her pancreas. Wasn't it nice of them to let her know a month later?!? So, now Mama has to go back to the hospital on Tuesday for another CT scan. Because as her v-e-t said "We don't want to wait until it's large & find out that it's pancreatic cancer."
We know that yet again, this isn't about us cats, but if you could spare some more purrs, purrayers, tail-wags........whatever, we could sure use them. Thanks efurrybuddy, we love you guys!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Mama heard from her great-nephew, Josh, that she helped raise. He has a mass in his kidney & the bean v-e-t is pretty sure it's cancer. Mama is beside herself as you can imagine, but she knows what purrs & purrayers from the Cat Blogosphere can do. So please take a moment & send up good thoughts for Josh. Thanks efurrybuddy.
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