Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Lazy Mama
Seems like efurryone had a good Christmas. We want to thank efurryone that sent us cards!! Mama was so jealous cause we got way more cards than she did! We had a furry quiet day, snuggling on our snuggly snuggles......Mama said that was hard to type, hee hee.
Guess our New Year's Eve will be fairly quiet too. Mama is supposed to go to Auntie Lori's......she'll have to spend the night since she can't see good enough to drive home in the dark. That sucks.... Luckily for her that her jobbie is only a few blocks from here & she has street lights to see by so she can drive home after work. She's also lucky that she doesn't have to go back to work until Jan. 5th, although she'll have to work 12 days in a row again. Oh well, more treats for us!!
Since it's hard to tell when we'll get our lazy mama to post for us again, we want to wish the entire Cat Blogosphere a very Happy New Year!!!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Secret Paws.....FINALLY!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Mama is MAD!!
Mama isn't very smar.....umm......computer savvy, but she's never had trouble putting pictures on before. The darn computer tells her that she doesn't have the device plugged in, but she really does. She says she's gonna throw the whole #@%**&% bunch of crap out the door!! We think what really makes her mad is that she's gonna have to ask our "Daddy" for help.......she hasn't talked to him in 2 months & hates to have to ask him for help with stuff. He's really smart about computers, he works on them efurry day, but Mama doesn't like asking him for anything.
We might have mislead some of our friends on our last post........the beans that got in trouble for leaving their work early are the beans that Mama works for. Mama does childcare for their stickybean & little blurpybean at their house. Mama says they are wonderful beans & they are very good to her.
Now that we've wasted our post complaining about the computer & our "Daddy", we do want to say that we LOVE our Secret Paws gifts!! Festus even tried to bite Mama when she tried to take away the gift he was opening! She wanted to set things up to take pictures before they were opened, but Fes had other ideas! Maybe she can get things worked out on the `puter & post pictures tomorrow........we're gonna stuff cotton in our ears while she works on it........
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Slippy, Slidey Thursday Night
When Mama got home, there was a box on our step........no foolin` she had to use an ice scraper on the box before she could open it!! It was our Secret Paws gifts from Babe, Bob, Summer, Isis & Romeo from Peggy's Place!! The box had lots of presents all wrapped in Christmas paper & Mama wouldn't let us open them yet.....she's so mean sometimes!! Maybe she'll let us open them this weekend while she's off work. Thanks efurryone!!
I hope our Secret Paws don't think we've forgotten them......Mama's been working so much she hasn't had time to get the package sent out yet. it will be a New Year's present instead of a Christmas present......just extending the holidays!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Snowy Tuesday
What we don't like is that it's 10 degrees outside, which makes it furry cold inside too. See, we live in a very old house with 2 wall furnaces. One of which doesn't work & the other one has a tendency to go crazy sometimes & not shut off. Which wouldn't bother us, we like 90 degrees in the kitchen! But Mama worries that it might start a fire when she's not here, so she shuts it off when she goes to work. We have an electric heater that she turns on, but it only keeps it about 60 degrees. We like it warmer than that but have to suffer through the cold until Mama drags her sorry butt home between midnight & 2:30 am. Oh, she only works until around 11:45, then she sits there in a nice warm house chatting with the Mombean & Dadbean furever!!!
See what we have to put up with?? What a bad Mama we have......of course when she does get home, she cranks that furnace up, gives us lots of treats & snuggles. Then we all get to sleep on her when we go to bed.....maybe she's not sooo bad. But for goodness sake woman, just come home when the beans get there!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Blowy Sunday
It has been a weird weather day here in west-central Illinois. It got up to the 60's this afternoon, but it's now 25 degrees w/freezing rain & sleet going on like crazy!! It's supposed to change over to snow sometime, but we want the warm temperatures back!! We don't like cold & icy snow!
Between the strong winds & us sitting on Mama, she stayed home all weekend. We think it was good for all of us....we've missed Mama like crazy & she's missed us. She told us that she would have to work 12 days in a row again next month, but hopefully not until sometime in the summer would she have to do it again. She gets a week & a half off for Christmas & we are really looking forward to that!!
We have been purring, purraying & praying for all the sick furbabies & beans in the CB. Hopefully efurryone is on the mend. You probably won't hear much from us until next weekend (unless we can get Mama up at a decent hour in the mornings), but we will be reading up on efurryone's bloggies to see how you're all doing. We love you guys!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Finally Friday
We are so sorry to hear of the losses of our friends this week & all the sick kitties out there. We've been reading our friends bloggies, but Mama's been too tired to comment for the most part. We are purring & purraying for all our friends in the blogosphere.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sunday, November 30, 2008
Lazy Weekend
We've just been laying around & chillaxin, of course we do that efurry day, but it was extra nice to chillax on Mama. We miss her since she started working full time, but she does bring home the Temptations!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Turkey Yummmmmmm!!
Our mama, who never, repeat NEVER gives us bean food, gave us each a bite of turkey yesterday......OMC, it was sooo yummy! Emma didn't eat her bite, so we boys got to share it too........silly girlcat! We really wanted more but Mama said no.........mean Mama, she just teased us with that little bit. But, we are very thankful that we got that.
We are gonna try to get Mama to post a little more this weekend & comment on our friends bloggies, just know that we're reading up on you even if we don't comment.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
We want to thank all of you for the kind words, purrs & purrayers for the loss of Mama's cousin. Mama said all our friends on CB are such a comfort & we'd be lost without you all.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
We do want to ask for purrs & purrayers as Mama found out this morning that her 17 year old cousin committed suicide. The whole family is devastated as you can imagine. Especially his Granny, who he lived with, she's the one that found him. So if you could send some comforting purrs to the family, we would appreciate it.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
A Big Thank You.......
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Happy Birthday Sammy!!

Today is Sammy's 6th birthday & we're throwing a little party for him. Mama stocked up on Temptations, Greenies & Party Mix, so all you kitties that don't get enough treats ( do any of us?) eat to your heart's content. Anything you like, just tell Mama to get it for you. We hope efurrykitty has a good time.
Mama wants to thank Ann, the Zoolatry Human for the pawsome graphic!! Efurrykitty go to the Zoolatry bloggie too, and wish Ann a Happy Birthday too. She & Sammy have the same birthday, how cool is that??
Friday, November 14, 2008
Finally Friday
Mama did let time get away from her this week, she wants to invite everykitty to come to Sammy's 6th birthday party tomorrow. We aren't for sure when his actual birthday is, so Mama just counted back 4 months from the day she adopted him. So his birthday is now celebrated on Nov. 15.
Well, Mama says she has to get herself dressed so she can go to town to get our food, so we hope to see you tomorrow.......
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Purring Monday

We are purring for our good friend Tesla to feel better very soon. We are sad that she is sick again.
We are also purring for Monty Q & his family as it's been 3 months since Little Sprout went to Heaven.
And last but not least, we are purring for the Meezers' & Billy Sweetfeets' dad cause he lost his jobbie this morning.
Please keep all our friends in your thoughts & purrayers.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Breezy, Freezy Saturday
She did have to pick up her new eye glasses & Auntie Lori asked Mama to take her to get her hair cut........so we aren't too mad at her. At least Mama can see better now & she got her hair cut too. Auntie Lori is doing a little better, the stupid bean v-e-ts still don't know what's wrong with her. They did her lumbar puncture last Tuesday & said it would be 10 days to 2 weeks before they get the results back. Her neuro v-e-t did say that if these tests come back OK, he's sending her to a specialist in St. Louis. At least he's trying, unlike Auntie's other v-e-t.
It is very windy & very cold here now......last weekend & up til Wednesday it was in the middle 70's. Now it's in the 30's.......burrrrrrrrr. All three of us have been sleeping ON Mama the last few nights. We keep her warm & she keeps us warm. She did tell us that in a couple weeks or so that she's gonna buy one of those magic warming blankets, mmmmm, can't wait for that!
A couple weeks ago our good friend Hans tagged us for a meme & Mama is just now getting around to helping us, so here we go.....
Here are the rules:
1. Be honest.
2. Have fun!!
1. How many calenders are in your home? 4, 1 in the kitchen, 1 in the livingroom, 1 in the bedroom & 1 on Mama's desk.
2. What is your fave season? We like when its warm enough to have doors & windows open.....whatever season that is.
3. What is your lucky number? We don't think we have one.....
4. What is your fave month? Whatever month our fave season is in.
5. What do you like best, Planting seeds, Climbing trees, Jumping into a pile of leaves or Building igloos? Well, we've never done any of those things but we can tell you what we'd like least.....building igloos....burrrr!!
Thanks for thinking of us, Hans!! We aren't sure how many kitties have done this already, so if you haven't done it, consider yourself tagged!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Finally Friday
We've been loving on Mama lots when she gets home.....we're not used to her being gone so long every day. So hopefully this weekend we'll be able to comment to all our friends.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Don't forget to vote!!

Mama voted today & got one of those cute stickers like Daisy! Please efurry bean, do you duty & vote today.
Mama's been reading our friends bloggies to us, but she says she hasn't had time to comment. If she can drag herself home at a decent time tonight, she wants to at least go say "Hi" to efurryone.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Mama tricked us!!!
Mama usually goes trick-or-treating with Auntie Lori & the kid-beans & stays overnight with them cause she can't see well enough to drive after dark. She left them a message that she wasn't going to do that this year cause she had too much going on. Well..... Auntie Lori called Mama while she was food shopping & talked Mama into coming out for a visit.
When the kid-beans got home from school, they begged & begged Mama to stay to go trick-or-treating with them. She kept telling them no, but then, Auntie Lori held the phone out to her & said that Mama could call her friend to check on us. Mama could resist the kid-beans, but she couldn't resist Auntie Lori.....so she ended up going trick-or-treating & staying overnight like usual.
Auntie Lori & Mama sat in the van & Uncle Phil drove the kid-beams around. Usually Mama & Auntie Lori dress up for Halloween & walk around with the kid-beans. They didn't dress up this time.........Auntie Lori said she was going as a stroke victim this year. She is still really weak on her left side & when she gets tired or agitated, she has a hard time speaking. She goes in Tuesday for her lumbar puncture, so if you could send some extra purrs for her we would appreciate it.
We know our blogging has been sporadic at best, but Mama starts working full-time tomorrow & it make take her awhile to get into a routine. She's been working part-time for a few hours in the afternoon, but now she will be working from 2:00 pm until about 11:45 pm. We don't know why she calls it work cause all she does is play with the sticky-bean & the blurpy baby-bean, but their mama goes back to work tomorrow so Mama's gonna have full care of them. Mama is pretty much a night-owl, but she will need to get up earlier in the mornings to do things around the house before she leaves for work. So she won't probably have as much computer time as she has had. Please bear with us & we'll make Mama blog as much as we can.
Before we forget, Parker's right, diabetes SUX!!! Our granny had it & our Auntie Lori has it too. We need to find a cure!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Another Auntie Lori Update.............
Auntie Lori has lost around 45 to 50 lbs in the last 6 months & she just keeps getting sicker, so Mama is fit to be tied with this v-e-t & her solutions. Poor auntie can hardly walk or anything else because she's so weak, but this stupid v-e-t discharged her from the hospital today. She told her that the hospital was a "nice safety net" but she couldn't stay forever. This comment made Mama's blood pressure go through the roof!! So now, Auntie Lori has to go in as an out-patient for the lumbar puncture......sometime when the neurologist has time.
Our Uncle Phil says they better get their sh*t together this week or he's taking her to St. Louis where they have "real" bean v-e-ts. We think she should go to the v-e-t that saved Festus this summer, he knows way more than the bean v-e-ts.
Please continue to purr & purray for Auntie Lori......she needs all the help she can get.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Lazy Saturday
Mama spent time at the hospital with Auntie Lori yesterday. The ben V-E-Ts still aren't sure what's going on. Poor Auntie had a terrible headache & the nursie had to give her some stuff that knocked her out. She told Mama today that they are going to do something called a Lumbar Puncture (ouchie!) to check the pressure of her cerebral fluid. Apparently if the pressure is too high there can be stroke-like symptoms, very bad headaches & lots of other symptoms that Auntie Lori has been experiencing. What p*sses Mama off about all this is that 6 months ago, when Auntie Lori started having terrible headaches & passing out, none of the bean V-E-Ts around here took her complaints seriously. She ended up going to another V-E-T 100 miles away to be treated. He diagnosed her with a certain type of migraine. She was better for awhile, but now she's very sick again. Mama says she just wants to scream!!!
Hopefully now they will find out for sure what is wrong & fix it. If it is the cerebral pressure thing, then she will have to have brain surgery to have a thing called a shunt put in to drain the fluid. Please keep her in your thoughts & prayers & that they finally figure out the problem & get Auntie Lori healthy again.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Update on Auntie Lori..........
Auntie Lori is still in the hospital & has to use a walker to get around. She is having Physical Therapy & is going to start Speech Therapy maybe tomorrow. Auntie Lori is only 39, so she is very young to be going through all of this. Mama is a wreck so we've been purring on her more than ever.
Please continue to keep Auntie Lori in your thoughts & prayers. Thanks to all of you that signed in.....Mama will get around to thanking you personally when things calm down a bit.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Asking for Purrs & Purrayers........
Please send purrs, purrayers & prayers for our Auntie Lori. She is very sick & in the ER right now, the V-E-Ts there don't know yet what's wrong with her. Mama is furry worried. Please keep our Auntie Lori in your thoughts & prayers.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
That was a close one..........
Anyway, at one of the yard sales the beans there were giving away baby kitties.....you can probably guess where this is headed. Mama fell in love with one in particular, she kept telling Auntie Lori that she really wanted him. Luckily for us, they still had alot of towns to visit & they didn't want to leave the baby in the van all that time...........whew, that really was a close one!!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Lazy Tuesday
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Bad Mama

Anyway, we are still here & we hope everykitty, doggie, bun & bean are doing OK.
Monday, September 29, 2008
For Auntie Deb.......
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sammy Sunday

Mama had a kitty for 17 years & he went to the Rainbow bridge in 1998. The man in Mama's life at the time told her "no more pets". He said it was too hard to say goodbye & he couldn't do it again.
Fast forward to 2002: Mama married my "Daddy" & he got her a Betta fish for a pet. Now Mama was really lonely without a kitty, so she talked to the fishie like he was her baby. A friend of theirs told "Daddy" that he needed to buck up & let Mama have a cat "for goodness sakes"!
So, Mama saw in the paper that the Humane Society was having a special adoption program for kitties & talked "Daddy" into going. She really wanted a little kitten, but my brother & I were the youngest there, at 4 months old. Mama came over to the cage we were in & started petting my brother, Sosa, on the head. I was afraid that she was gonna pick him so I went over & knocked him out of the way!
She looked at "Daddy" & laughed, she told him that she had just been chosen by me. The nice ladies from the Humane Society got me out of the cage & handed me to Mama.......I gave her lots of headbutts & powerful purrs, she just couldn't resist me.
When they told her what they named me, she almost started leaking from her eyes. The kitty Mama had for 17 years, his name was Sam. She also had lost a woofie a few years before Sam went to the bridge, his name was Blackie. Mama said it was meant to be for me to come live with her because I was a black cat named Sammy, that Blackie & Sam didn't want her to be lonely & sent her to find me.
I think she's probably right & when it comes my time to go to the Bridge, I'm gonna thank them for sharing Mama with me!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Playday Thursday....
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Emma Saturday

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Pictures of US

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Sticky-bean & Baby-bean.......

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sad, Sad Weekend..........
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Purrs for Squirmy please

Friday, September 12, 2008
Why we hate rain........

This our kitchen ceiling.....isn't it lovely?? Rain is gloomy enough, but this just sucks! Mama's been trying to get "Daddy" to do something about it for months, but since he doesn't live here anymore, he doesn't care. He told Mama that he would come down on weekends to work on things, but he doesn't.
We do have a ray of sunshine in all this rainy weather.....the little sticky-bean that Mama takes care of, became a big brother this morning! She can't wait to get her hands on that baby-girl-bean!! At least we know she can't bring her home. So, Mama has 2 weeks off because the Dad-bean is staying home with the Mom-bean. We have plans to love on Mama, ignore her & bug her......in no particular order. We are gonna let her put pictures of the little beans up next week. The sticky-bean has a birthday on Tuesday, so she will get pictures of them then. Mama has been taking care of him for 2 years & she can't believe that he's 4 yrs old already!
This has mostly been about Mama & we can't let that happen too often. We'll make her post about us next time.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
We are purring for all our friends that are in the path of hurricane Ike. We wish it would just disappear & leave our friends alone.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Rainy Days & Mondays.......
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Happy Gotcha Day, Festus!!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Mama's been hanging out with us alot lately, as she should. That way we can totally ignore her unless she's trying to read the paper, work on the bean snuggle she's making or when she's at the computer. That's when we all want to be loved on, sometimes all 3 of us at the same time!
She did go to town on Sat. to see Auntie Lori, you know what that means......loving on baby kitties! So we left her a couple of surprises for when she got home. One of us (not saying which one) yakked a big ole hairball on the kitchen table, it was a beauty!!! We wanted her to take a picture of it, but she just cleaned it up & gagged. And one of us (again no names) left a nice pile of yak in the livingroom......too bad she doesn't go barefoot. Hee hee.
The only thing is, she had a surprise for us too. When we were checking out the other kitty smells on her, we noticed a different smell.........it was WOOFIE!!!! And not Auntie Lori"s woofie either, we know Shadow's smell & this wasn't it. It seems Mama decided to go to her friends house to get her hair cut. Mama's friend has a mama chihuahua with a baby. Mama was loving on a baby woofie!! She said the baby had Parvo awhile back & almost went to the Rainbow Bridge, twice! But the baby's well now but apparently being sick stunted her growth because she is the same size as a 10 week old puppy. That's how old she was the first time Mama saw her & she isn't any bigger.
We're sorry the baby woofie was so sick & we're glad she's OK now, but Mama has GOT to stay away from ALL babies.......we don't want any babies of any kind here!!!! Silly Mama.
Monday, August 25, 2008
NOT AGAIN................
Things are pretty tight green paper wise, so she's trying to figure out what to do. We think we'll be OK, but Mama is worried.
Friday, August 22, 2008
In Honor of Mu Shue...............
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Oh No............
The girls told Mama that the kitty belonged to one of their friends. Good thing cause she wanted to keep it.
She told us how sweet it was & how it talked to her......blah, blah, blah.
It's bad enough when she goes to Auntie Lori's, but this kitty was right outside our back door!! Waaaay too close for comfort.......we're really starting to worry.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Why Mama goes to Auntie Lori's...........

Friday, August 15, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
She did it again..........
We were cool with that because Mama's eyes having been leaking the last several days. We figured she deserved a little fun.
What we weren't cool with is that she was loving on those baby kitties again. Can you imagine?!?
We were so happy to see her when she came home, but then we smelled those kitties. We all checked her over real good to make sure she didn't bring one home. Lucky for her, Auntie Lori was watching closely & wouldn't let her take one.
We really don't know what we are gonna do with her. Any suggestions?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
So much Sadness...........
We are purring for Mommy Jenny for the loss of her Felix.
All of us are just furry sad like everyone else on the CB & Mama
just finds it hard to type for us. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
After leaving us yesterday (TWICE), she should have stayed home & loved with us today, right? Nope, she thought she had to go see her sister, our Auntie Lori, just because she hadn't talked to her for 24 hours. Big deal....Anyway, she was there loving on 5 baby kitties!
Don't get us wrong, we love baby kitties too, as long as they ain't around us or our Mama. The kitties had been eating on the patio table (huh?) & Mama put her hand out to one of them. He licked her finger a couple times & out of nowhere put the big ole bitey on her!! Mama said a word from the bad word list & said she was bleeding like a stuck pig, whatever that means. I guess those little barn kitties have very sharp teeth!
We think it serves her right, if she'd been home where she belongs it wouldn't have happened. Does anycat agree with us?
Friday, August 8, 2008
If it weren't for ML, KC & Deb, we wouldn't have a bloggie cause Mama was too afraid to try it on her own. We love her, but we do have to shake our heads at her sometimes.......
Thanks again & hopefully our posts will be a little less boring in the future.
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Festus is my tuxie boy. He is just about the sweetest cat ever! I got him from a friend of my sister's. He was one of several barn kitties & the only one with long hair. I was a little put out at first because I didn't want a long-haired cat. But when I picked him up, he snuggled as close to me as he could get & started purring. My heart melted right then & there. When he was smaller, he would climb up on my shoulder & suck on my neck as I watched TV or sat at the computer. He doesn't sit on my shoulder anymore, but he still sucks on my neck. He sleeps with me & snuggles as close as he can to me in bed. He's 4 yrs old.