We finally got her to sit at the `puter so she could blog for us. She's had the last 7 days off, so there is no excuse except her laziness. We'd fire her, but she's all we got.
Seems like efurryone had a good Christmas. We want to thank efurryone that sent us cards!! Mama was so jealous cause we got way more cards than she did! We had a furry quiet day, snuggling on our snuggly snuggles......Mama said that was hard to type, hee hee.
Guess our New Year's Eve will be fairly quiet too. Mama is supposed to go to Auntie Lori's......she'll have to spend the night since she can't see good enough to drive home in the dark. That sucks.... Luckily for her that her jobbie is only a few blocks from here & she has street lights to see by so she can drive home after work. She's also lucky that she doesn't have to go back to work until Jan. 5th, although she'll have to work 12 days in a row again. Oh well, more treats for us!!
Since it's hard to tell when we'll get our lazy mama to post for us again, we want to wish the entire Cat Blogosphere a very Happy New Year!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Secret Paws.....FINALLY!!
Nummy Pawsbreakers,
Secret Paws gifts Rock
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!!
We want to wish efurryone in the Cat Blogosphere a very Merry Christmas!! We hope it's your happiest efur!!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Mama is MAD!!
Mama took pictures of us & our Secret Paws goodies & she's been working forever to try to put them on the computer, but it's not working!! Our ears are burning from all the BAD words she's been saying. We hate to say it, but our Mama has a litter box mouth on her sometimes......we need to wash her mouth out with soap!!
Mama isn't very smar.....umm......computer savvy, but she's never had trouble putting pictures on before. The darn computer tells her that she doesn't have the device plugged in, but she really does. She says she's gonna throw the whole #@%**&% bunch of crap out the door!! We think what really makes her mad is that she's gonna have to ask our "Daddy" for help.......she hasn't talked to him in 2 months & hates to have to ask him for help with stuff. He's really smart about computers, he works on them efurry day, but Mama doesn't like asking him for anything.
We might have mislead some of our friends on our last post........the beans that got in trouble for leaving their work early are the beans that Mama works for. Mama does childcare for their stickybean & little blurpybean at their house. Mama says they are wonderful beans & they are very good to her.
Now that we've wasted our post complaining about the computer & our "Daddy", we do want to say that we LOVE our Secret Paws gifts!! Festus even tried to bite Mama when she tried to take away the gift he was opening! She wanted to set things up to take pictures before they were opened, but Fes had other ideas! Maybe she can get things worked out on the `puter & post pictures tomorrow........we're gonna stuff cotton in our ears while she works on it........
Mama isn't very smar.....umm......computer savvy, but she's never had trouble putting pictures on before. The darn computer tells her that she doesn't have the device plugged in, but she really does. She says she's gonna throw the whole #@%**&% bunch of crap out the door!! We think what really makes her mad is that she's gonna have to ask our "Daddy" for help.......she hasn't talked to him in 2 months & hates to have to ask him for help with stuff. He's really smart about computers, he works on them efurry day, but Mama doesn't like asking him for anything.
We might have mislead some of our friends on our last post........the beans that got in trouble for leaving their work early are the beans that Mama works for. Mama does childcare for their stickybean & little blurpybean at their house. Mama says they are wonderful beans & they are very good to her.
Now that we've wasted our post complaining about the computer & our "Daddy", we do want to say that we LOVE our Secret Paws gifts!! Festus even tried to bite Mama when she tried to take away the gift he was opening! She wanted to set things up to take pictures before they were opened, but Fes had other ideas! Maybe she can get things worked out on the `puter & post pictures tomorrow........we're gonna stuff cotton in our ears while she works on it........
Darn Computer,
Great Gifts,
Secret Paws
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Slippy, Slidey Thursday Night
We're getting freezing rain & Mama says it is very slippery outside. The Mombean & Dadbean left their work early tonight (which they got in trouble for) because the roads were so bad. The Dadbean drove Mama home & she left our car at their house for tonight. Hopefully Friday will be better.
When Mama got home, there was a box on our step........no foolin` she had to use an ice scraper on the box before she could open it!! It was our Secret Paws gifts from Babe, Bob, Summer, Isis & Romeo from Peggy's Place!! The box had lots of presents all wrapped in Christmas paper & Mama wouldn't let us open them yet.....she's so mean sometimes!! Maybe she'll let us open them this weekend while she's off work. Thanks efurryone!!
I hope our Secret Paws don't think we've forgotten them......Mama's been working so much she hasn't had time to get the package sent out yet. it will be a New Year's present instead of a Christmas present......just extending the holidays!!
When Mama got home, there was a box on our step........no foolin` she had to use an ice scraper on the box before she could open it!! It was our Secret Paws gifts from Babe, Bob, Summer, Isis & Romeo from Peggy's Place!! The box had lots of presents all wrapped in Christmas paper & Mama wouldn't let us open them yet.....she's so mean sometimes!! Maybe she'll let us open them this weekend while she's off work. Thanks efurryone!!
I hope our Secret Paws don't think we've forgotten them......Mama's been working so much she hasn't had time to get the package sent out yet. it will be a New Year's present instead of a Christmas present......just extending the holidays!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Snowy Tuesday
Mama is not happy at all. She says she hates winter & it's not even "officially" here yet. It's snowing on top of the ice we got the other night, that's why Mama isn't happy. That & she noticed that the snow shovel is under the carport, so she has to walk through the snow to get the shovel to scoop the sidewalk. Boo hoo, poor Mama.
What we don't like is that it's 10 degrees outside, which makes it furry cold inside too. See, we live in a very old house with 2 wall furnaces. One of which doesn't work & the other one has a tendency to go crazy sometimes & not shut off. Which wouldn't bother us, we like 90 degrees in the kitchen! But Mama worries that it might start a fire when she's not here, so she shuts it off when she goes to work. We have an electric heater that she turns on, but it only keeps it about 60 degrees. We like it warmer than that but have to suffer through the cold until Mama drags her sorry butt home between midnight & 2:30 am. Oh, she only works until around 11:45, then she sits there in a nice warm house chatting with the Mombean & Dadbean furever!!!
See what we have to put up with?? What a bad Mama we have......of course when she does get home, she cranks that furnace up, gives us lots of treats & snuggles. Then we all get to sleep on her when we go to bed.....maybe she's not sooo bad. But for goodness sake woman, just come home when the beans get there!!
What we don't like is that it's 10 degrees outside, which makes it furry cold inside too. See, we live in a very old house with 2 wall furnaces. One of which doesn't work & the other one has a tendency to go crazy sometimes & not shut off. Which wouldn't bother us, we like 90 degrees in the kitchen! But Mama worries that it might start a fire when she's not here, so she shuts it off when she goes to work. We have an electric heater that she turns on, but it only keeps it about 60 degrees. We like it warmer than that but have to suffer through the cold until Mama drags her sorry butt home between midnight & 2:30 am. Oh, she only works until around 11:45, then she sits there in a nice warm house chatting with the Mombean & Dadbean furever!!!
See what we have to put up with?? What a bad Mama we have......of course when she does get home, she cranks that furnace up, gives us lots of treats & snuggles. Then we all get to sleep on her when we go to bed.....maybe she's not sooo bad. But for goodness sake woman, just come home when the beans get there!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Blowy Sunday
The wind here has been horrible, but it did keep Mama home with us as she didn't want to drive in it.
It has been a weird weather day here in west-central Illinois. It got up to the 60's this afternoon, but it's now 25 degrees w/freezing rain & sleet going on like crazy!! It's supposed to change over to snow sometime, but we want the warm temperatures back!! We don't like cold & icy snow!
Between the strong winds & us sitting on Mama, she stayed home all weekend. We think it was good for all of us....we've missed Mama like crazy & she's missed us. She told us that she would have to work 12 days in a row again next month, but hopefully not until sometime in the summer would she have to do it again. She gets a week & a half off for Christmas & we are really looking forward to that!!
We have been purring, purraying & praying for all the sick furbabies & beans in the CB. Hopefully efurryone is on the mend. You probably won't hear much from us until next weekend (unless we can get Mama up at a decent hour in the mornings), but we will be reading up on efurryone's bloggies to see how you're all doing. We love you guys!!
It has been a weird weather day here in west-central Illinois. It got up to the 60's this afternoon, but it's now 25 degrees w/freezing rain & sleet going on like crazy!! It's supposed to change over to snow sometime, but we want the warm temperatures back!! We don't like cold & icy snow!
Between the strong winds & us sitting on Mama, she stayed home all weekend. We think it was good for all of us....we've missed Mama like crazy & she's missed us. She told us that she would have to work 12 days in a row again next month, but hopefully not until sometime in the summer would she have to do it again. She gets a week & a half off for Christmas & we are really looking forward to that!!
We have been purring, purraying & praying for all the sick furbabies & beans in the CB. Hopefully efurryone is on the mend. You probably won't hear much from us until next weekend (unless we can get Mama up at a decent hour in the mornings), but we will be reading up on efurryone's bloggies to see how you're all doing. We love you guys!!
Freezing Rain,
We love our friends,
Friday, December 12, 2008
Finally Friday
Sorry we haven't been around much.......Mama has had to work the last 12 days (including today). She is tired & we miss her very much. The good thing is she gets the weekend off & we're gonna make her stay home with us!!
We are so sorry to hear of the losses of our friends this week & all the sick kitties out there. We've been reading our friends bloggies, but Mama's been too tired to comment for the most part. We are purring & purraying for all our friends in the blogosphere.
We are so sorry to hear of the losses of our friends this week & all the sick kitties out there. We've been reading our friends bloggies, but Mama's been too tired to comment for the most part. We are purring & purraying for all our friends in the blogosphere.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
We're glad we got Mama all last weekend........she just told us she has to work THIS weekend again. We don't like it when she doesn't have days off, it's not fair! So because of that we won't be around much for awhile.....please don't forget about us.......
Mama did go to her bean v-e-t yesterday, she has BAD allergies with a secondary infection. So she has to take pills for 12 days & use a nasty nasal spray efurry day.....forever. We're pretty sure we don't have anything to do with those allergy things.

Miss Peach gave us this beautiful award for visiting Micky's family after he was so cruelly shot & left to die. We are just appalled that someone could do such a thing....there is a special place in hell for that person. Thank you Miss Peach for the award.
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