Most beans do "before & after" pics....Mama does "after & before" pics. *sigh*
Anyway, Emma's been with us for 5 years...time flies by pretty fast. We still remember when Mama brought little Emma home, she looked like a bite-sized snack! She hated Fes on sight & still isn't very fond of him. If he gets too close to her, she still growls & hisses at him! She & I (Sammy) get along OK, although she's gotten pretty fiesty with me lately.

Update on Mama: she had her eye v-e-t visit today & no vision loss!! Although the shingles still have to run their course, the eye v-e-t said it is unlikely to affect Mama's eye if it hasn't by now. Thank you so much for your purrs, tail wags & good thoughts!!
Happy 5th Gotcha Day Emma and many, many, many mooore!! Me & Clementine will be right over for your party!!
Your TX furiends,
Happy Gotcha Day, Emma! Jack and I are on our way to the party.
Oh, we are so sorry your Mommy has been sick. Shingles are no fun but so good that your Mom's vision is going to be OK. We are saying healing purrs for her.
Happy Gotcha Day Emma! Thanks for inviting us to your party.
Happy Gotcha Day, Emma! We'd love to come and help you celebrate, and we even have fresh nip from our garden.
We're so glad your mom's eye is okay, no vision loss! That's a huge relief to her, we're sure.
Happy 5th Gotcha Day you beautiful girl!
Our momma had the shingles once and knows how painful they are. We hope your mom gets rid of them soon.
Happy Gotcha Day sweet one.
You susre adopted a great family to be yours!!!
Happy 5th Gotcha Day, Emma! We're heading over now to help you celebrate! :)
We're glad to hear that your mom's vision is okay. We will keep praying for her speedy recovery!
Happy Gotcha Day, Emma. Your mom won't even notice the food is gone, will she?
Your poor mom! We've heard how painful shingles is and how scary it is when your sight is threatened. We're so glad it hasn't hurt your mom's sight and hope it won't.
Happy Gotcha Day, Emma!! We're bringing some nip for the party!!
Happy Gotcha Day Emma.
We are so glad to hear that your Mom didn't lose any vision because of the shingles.
Happy Gotcha Day! I am really glad to hear that your mom's vision is ok.
Happy Gotcha Day!!
And great about your Mom!
Happy Gotcha Day, Emma! We will have fun parting at your house! Glad Momms's vision is not affected.
We are sending healing purrs for yoor momma.
Happy Gotcha Day, Emma!
Happy Gotcha Day, Emma! I am glad that your Mom's vision isn't affected by her shingles. We are purring hard for her to recover soon. Herman and I will be right over to party. We are bringing some Greenies.
Happy Gotcha day!!! Good news about the shingle thing not affecting Mom's eyes.
Happy Gotcha Day Emma!
We think a party after your Mom goes to work is a neat idea :) heehee
Good news about her eye!!! We purr she gets better very soon :)
See ya soon ;)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
Happy Gotcha Day!!!
Bengal Trio
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